Warrior Goddess Way
HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Training has become much more than just a book―its ten lessons have inspired thousands of women around the world to reclaim their power, their passion, and their freedom. In this much anticipated follow-up, The Warrior Goddess Way, Amara goes deeper, revealing three additional pillars of Warrior Goddess living that readers can apply to travel further down this sacred path: Wisdom, Authenticity, and Yes!
- Wisdom arises naturally when we learn to listen. Not to the voices in our head, but to the voices in our cells, our natural discernment, and our creative knowing.
- Authenticity is embracing your vulnerability and your silliness, and owning all your superpowers. It’s accepting and loving what is, not what “should be.”
- Yes! is about celebrating everything. All the time. (Even your greatest defeats.)
In exploring these three pillars, Amara delves into topics such as forgiveness, relationships, and finding your inner stillness. You will learn the art of maintaining emotional balance, cultivating self-respect, practicing heartfelt communication, and consciously embracing life’s beginnings and endings. Like Warrior Goddess Training, this book is packed full of exercises and explorations designed to help you integrate the Warrior Goddess Way into your everyday life.
Join HeatherAsh to welcome her newest book baby, Warrior Goddess Way, and to thank the sun and moon (and her mom!) for her upcoming 50th birthday by being part of her Warrior Goddess 21-Day Giveaway, consisting of 21 daily emails and 4 live webcasts. And here’s the fabulous, wonderful part: one person per day chosen via random drawing to win a tangible, awesome gift. It all starts October 3 with a live community webcast, followed by 21 nuggets of daily beauty, teachings, and creativity. All free. All straight to your heart, via your inbox. Sign up here.

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