The Momentum Is Pushing Us Forward

In The Momentum Is Pushing Us Forward, one of Women For One’s first Truthtellers, Peg Rodrigues is an energy intuitive and founder of Soul Wisdom. She shares her story about supporting others in “peeling off the layers of the onion” through writing, connecting, and energy work. Peg explains how our energy doesn’t lie—and when it’s released, it has the power to reveal our untold stories and even trauma. She talks about helping people recognize how they “entrap themselves in themselves” by reading and working with their energy vibrations. Discover how your energy, when balanced and unleashed, can open you up and connect you to your potential.

click to tweet “Healing is not fast. Healing is a slow, steady change.” -Peg Rodrigues

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peg rodriguez The Momentum Is Pushing Us Forward

About the Author | Peg Rodrigues

Peg Rodrigues is an energy intuitive, author, wife, and mom to four children. Born in Seattle, Washington, she studied at the Northwest School of Healing for four years. Peg was trained as a Reiki Master, which she combines with Earth Energy chelations. She currently offers distance healing sessions to clients all over the world from her home in Massachusetts.

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