M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential
We all need guidance through this incredibly complex life. Melissa Joy’s new book Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential guides us towards the goal of “full expression of ourselves as limitless beings”. Who doesn’t want to feel limitless?
With Melissa (M-Joy for short) we take a journey through what change and reality truly mean to discover the power we have within ourselves to transform. A playful exploration into consciousness and potential, Practically Speaking has something for everyone as it draws from science, spirit, and practical play.
M-Joy explains how by practicing heart-centered awareness and exploring personal choice that anyone can navigate life’s most complex situations to experience more joy and deep fulfillment.
When we drop into the heart, let go and explore change, we will playfully transform ourselves and in turn everything around us. With M-Joy and Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential, this potential is available for us to experience in every moment of every day.
For more information and to purchase this book, click HERE.

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