Feminine Power Time
One thing I believe with all my heart is that we women have the answers we seek for ourselves, our work, our beloveds, and this world inside of us. It’s as if our feminine hearts have been encoded with the wisdom that will keep us true to our soul path and also illuminate new ways of working, living, creating, and succeeding that lead to a world that supports instead of sacrifices human wellness and happiness.
We desire the world to be a more loving, harmonious, and safe place.
We desire our work to thrive and contribute.
We desire to show up as the courageous and compassionate women we are.
The problem is that we are all so overwhelmed just trying to keep up, in a world and in systems that move so fast there’s no time to slow down to take a breath, let alone change the world or figure out how to stop feeling so overwhelmed.
And it’s not our fault.
There is so much external input and external pressure that while we want to show up as the clear, confident, courageous, and compassionate women we are at our core, most of us were not given the tools or the wisdom—what I call “super powers”—to stay out of the swirl.
This is the reason I created Feminine Power Time—a sacred space for us as women leaders in our work, families, communities, world, and own lives to turn off the chatter of the outside world, and tune into our own deep knowing and wisdom so we can direct our life force and make our choices based on what matters.
What I realized after spending 15 years climbing the corporate ladder learning and leading marketing strategy, leadership development, communications platforms for big companies like Gap and Pepsi, and getting my MBA from one of the top business schools, Kellogg, was that while I was trained to be smart and quick, and I had a lot of intellectual knowledge, I was missing something that no on-the-job training or traditional education had given me.
I was missing wisdom.
I was missing the feminine.
I was missing the practices and tools I needed to not just survive and strive, but to truly thrive.
When I left my corporate job in 2006 to follow my divine assignment to create a world in which women and girls were taught how to love themselves in real practical ways that went beyond just self-esteem, I realized as a visionary mission-based entrepreneur that if I didn’t find a different way to do things, I was not going to make it. I was going to exhaust myself and my resources.
I remember sitting on my office floor one afternoon really getting that while I didn’t know how I knew, I needed:
- The FEMININE—Even though I had no idea what that meant at the time, I just knew I needed to lead this next part of my life and work the feminine way.
- PRACTICES that could strengthen my physical nervous system and life force—I was experiencing more stress, and also, I was expanding at spiritual and energetic levels that, while exciting, were also intense. It was either buckle under the pressure or eat a pan of brownies every day to meet the internal pressure.
- MENTORSHIP AND SISTERHOOD—I needed others who had and were daring to live and lead differently, who had followed their hearts and inner wisdom over conventional wisdom, even when it scared them. I knew I couldn’t meet this soul stretch and the mission I was on without a circle of sisters and some mentorship from people who had walked the path before me.
- ACCESS to my intuition and to divine wisdom at higher and more expanded levels—The path ahead was uncharted. Even with great mentorship, I needed to expand my access to intuitive wisdom, beyond the intellectual realm.
- GIVE UP NEGATIVE SELF-TALK—I needed to become stronger at discerning between making choices from the force of fear inside me that led to self-sabotage and working harder (I call her my Inner Mean Girls) and the sage guidance of my Inner Wisdom, who always led me down the right path.
So for the past 15 years, I have dived deep into the Divine Feminine, Yogic and Indigenous Wisdom Tradition to find the timeless wisdom, practices, and tools that can give us the super power to live, lead, and succeed differently. And they work.
I have found by sharing and teaching these tools with women that, when we dare to go past the conventional wisdom that has been imprinted on us, we open up an infinite storehouse of expanded wisdom that has the answers to how we can create the realities we desire…for ourselves, our families, and this world.
But Wisdom does not move at Google Speed.
As Alice Walker says, “Wisdom requires a pause.”
Feminine Power Time is an invitation to take a weekly pause with me, your Inner Wisdom, and women around the world as we tune into a higher source of Wisdom that has the power to make shift happen. It leads us to weaving new worlds and realities that support us to thrive—so we can be the leaders we desire to be and take care of what we love, including ourselves.
When women come together, shift happens.
Consider yourself invited to Feminine Power Time—a sacred power pause, off the mainstream matrix, tuned into the web of wisdom.
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