Connection Is What We Truly Want

Founder of Fully Present Living, Truthteller Tammy Steele helps people build deeper connections in life — with themselves and others. After she hit her own “rock bottom” she opened a healing practice and committed to serving others. Through different forms of energy work, she helps her clients break down the boundaries that disconnect them from life by fostering acceptance, appreciation, acknowledgement, affection, and attention. She discusses how judgment creates disconnection and wreaks havoc on our systems. But  when we’re able to recognize our authentic needs, we learn to drop our defenses and connect more deeply to life.

click to tweet “No matter what is going on in your life, you can always come back to self, truth, and authenticity.” – Tammy Steele

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About the Author | Tammy Steele

Tammy Steele has been surrounded by male energy her whole life having started out in the late 80’s with a Computer Science degree. Finding her voice in that environment was no small feat! She spent 10-years in technology and was the first female Technology Evangelist at Microsoft. Tammy has since become a wife and mom of 3 boys. Over the last 13-years she has switched gears and now, as founder at Fully Present Living, empowers passionate leaders to develop their own definition of success, find their voice, and design plans that are specific to their needs and aspirations. As a Professional Certified (ICF) Life/Career Flow Coach, she not only works one on one with clients, but also delivers work/life balance content at conferences and regularly offers life enriching presentations and workshops on topics such as saying no, meditation, Ayurvedic lifestyle, and powerful communication. Find out more about Tammy at

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2 comments to "Connection Is What We Truly Want"

  • Regan Elliott

    Hi, Tammy.
    I Googled you because I wanted to thank you again for your caring and competent coaching during our Reciprocoach Mentoring Session. I found you on the Truthteller site.

    Your coaching style allowed me to do my best work in reaching my intended goal. Additionally, you gave me the space I needed to think through the excellent questions you asked me. These essentials helped me uncover my awareness about why I needed coaching on this particular subject.

    Additionally, I looked over the Truthteller site, and I purchased the course Truthteller: A Course for Boldly Claiming Your Story. I have been trying to write my story for quite some time, but it is soooo difficult. : [

    Would you please tell me more about Truthtellers?

    It is a blessing for me to have “met” you through the coaching today. I wish you every success.

    Blessings & Joy,

    • Tammy Steele

      Hi Regan,

      So great to hear your success and I thank you for being vulnerable and willing to share during our mentor session.
      The Truthteller course is fantastic and I highly recommend it. My dear friend and founder of Women For One, Kelly McNelis, created the course to provide space and support for us to share our stories no matter how messy or difficult they are. The course guides you through step by step with exercises that allow your story to unfold and finally be free. You’ll be supported along the way in the Facebook group and by the course leader.
      Please feel free to connect with me via email, [email protected], if you have additional questions or just want to continue our conversation.

      In light,