Cannabis for Health Is a Family Affair
It’s no secret that women wear many hats, and we’ve been influencing over 85% of all purchasing decisions for over a decade. When it comes to our health, though, there are some choices and decisions that may not have been considered before.
That’s where MyJane comes in. Our mission is to normalize the cannabis experience, enabling women to make informed health and wellness choices for themselves and those they love. This starts with conversation and sharing our experiences. We do that via our community, our Director of Wellness, our Experience Advisers, our Wellness Concierges, our radio show MyJane My Story, and by asking YOU what you need to help you feel better.
We’ve discovered that women are looking for solutions to their biggest health challenges—and you want natural solutions. We’ve also found that cannabis is changing lives where you’d least expect it.
When my mother-in-law confessed that she was using cannabis to get off opioids, the first person I shared this revelation with was my mom. I was thinking maybe it could help her in some way, too. Fast-forward a year and my mom is all in. She’s a MyJane Brand Ambassador and enjoys trying our new featured products and sharing her experiences with other women in her community. She’s my wellness hero. I’m the first to admit that I’m the last person you’d think of when it comes to using cannabis, but I’ve found it’s a wonder sleep aide. In fact, my vape pen helps me get seven to eight hours of sleep, including REM.
Kendall, my beautiful daughter, is my “what’s cool now” sounding board. She has incredible insights; when MyJane was just starting out, she interned and started researching products that could be great for our members. Not only did she find some incredible women-developed brands, but she also started asking questions of our Experience Advisors and making sure our community had a voice. Kendall also has her own #OwnYourWellness story—she used CBD to control her hyperactivity and aced chemistry without the need for prescriptions!
Our Chief Experience Officer, Michelle Patterson, has an incredible story of her own. Cannabis literally changed her mom’s life. Michelle’s mom had been having trouble sleeping and was given a prescription that was causing some seriously adverse effects. Michelle’s dad reached out to her because he was at a loss as to what to do to help. Thankfully, Michelle was on her own health journey; she’d stopped drinking alcohol and experienced firsthand how cannabis can help (it calmed her nerves, allowed her to relax more, and it’s all natural). Michelle sat down with her dad, a former DEA officer, and had a heart-to-heart about what she knew could help her mom.
Michelle shares, “It took some trial and error to find the right method and dose. She didn’t like vaping, and some of the tinctures didn’t work for her. We finally landed on something that works (there really is something for everyone). She’s now sleeping soundly, and both of my parents’ perspectives about cannabis have shifted. I truly believe it’s a natural plant medicine, and that’s why I’m so passionate about MyJane.”
We’re growing our MyJane community to one million strong by 2020, and we’d love for you to join us and share your story at www.MyJane.com or call your MyJane Wellness Concierge with your canna-curious questions at: 833-MyJane2.

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