Overcoming the Fears That Hold You Back From Success
Nancy Anderson is a career and life consultant based in the San Francisco Bay Area and the author of the best selling career guide,...

One Billion Rising… Please Join Us on February 14th
Please join Women For One and the other 1 billion people around the world who are rising up on February 14th and taking a...

Finding Your Authentic Self with Marie Manuchehri
Marie gives all of us a short but powerful reminder about why it is so important to be our authentic selves. Thanks Marie!

Intuitive Self-Healing
Marie's practical, easy to read guide of the specific energetic system of humans and their intuitive nature is a great place to start your...

PURPOSE. What is your purpose?
Madison lives in Scottsdale Arizona and is a Life Coach. She specializes in working with young women helping them find purpose and getting in...

Daily OM- Letting Yourself Be Seen
Being Witnessed By: Madisyn Taylor “A powerful healing tool can be allowing yourself to be witnessed by your friends, sharing your pain to a...

Mind Body Green: 5 Reasons to Be Kind
By Silvia Mordini I finally stopped renewing my People Magazine subscription. It’s another step I’m taking to ingest fewer empty “mental calories,” much like...

I Was Here (United Nations World Humanitarian Day Performance Video)
Beyonce singing her message and glowing. A powerful woman with a powerful presence and message for the world.

Holiday Gift & Charity Guide
Please enjoy our Gift Giving Guide for the holidays that offers unique gifts and creative ideas for giving charitable donations as gifts to your...

Change For A Dollar
"Change for a Dollar" This beautiful video shares the message that something so little performed with good intention can affect people in a beautiful...

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach
I recently listened to an interview on Oprah's satellite radio channel with Sarah Ban Breathnach and WOW. She is a shining example of how...