A New Year – Be True. Be You.
Many of us have tried for too long to make ourselves into something we’re not. The only New Year’s resolution you really need is...

12 Ways to Help Remove the Barriers to Self-Love
Let’s face it. We all go through times when we don’t feel particularly happy with or kind to ourselves. Truthteller Sue Shanahan is on...

Remembering Ryan Cruz Saldana
Losing a child is one of the most painful experiences any parent can endure. Perhaps the most loving thing friends and loved ones can...

Are You Listening, Oprah?
Body image is something so many of us struggle with. No matter what our body shape, most of us never seem to be able...

The Right to Love and Be Loved
Marriage is the beautiful moment when two hearts of any color, shape or size join as one. It is a statement to the world...

Trust Your Inner Compass
Each of us are fed information from the day we are born until the day we die. It seeps into our brain every moment...

Making Authors Dreams Come True
Gaining entrance to the publishing world is a difficult endeavor. Author/illustrator Sue Shanahan fought an uphill battle searching for a publisher for children's books that she...

My Christmas Wish
Sue Shanahan shares her empowering Christmas wish and message with Wf1. Each year she visualizes a concept for the White House Christmas card and...

How Could I Write A Book About Myself And Not Know It?
Wf1 Truthteller Sue Shanahan has written a magical new children's book, Glory In The Morning. The book is beautifully illustrated and shares a special...

Plastic Has No Heart
"We are fine just the way we are” writes Sue Shanahan, in this well thought-out exploration of body image and self image the way...

How can I be Plus Size and Invisible?
Sue Shanahan tells us openly about her life-long struggle with body image and how the words of a friend unintentionally hurt her feelings and...