A Woman in a Man’s World
Silence is dangerous, which is why LK wanted to put her story about being a woman in a predominantly male workplace out in the...

Expat Living Redefined
This Truthteller shares her story of how her toddler has redefined her expat life by allowing her access to spaces that enrich her life...

Change Isn’t the End; It’s the Beginning
This story is about new beginnings and finding a deeper sense of love in the world.

Staying One Step Ahead
Staying One Step Ahead: C.A. Fabros shares her story about how being a single mother in a busy world has helped her to reprioritize...

Don’t Expect to Be Loved Back
In this story, the young Truthteller shares her story about first love and asks: What do you expect from the other person you love?...

5 Years from Now, Will I Remember how Angry I am Today?
Too often, we waste our lives and time arguing over things that don't matter on a grand scale. Call it being bull-headed, stubborn, or...

The Wedding Ring is Off. Now What?
There is nothing to help us prepare for how difficult divorce or separation will be before so many of us embark on the journey....

If She Knew Better
Reading this Truthteller’s story, I can’t help but be struck by how much shame women and girls still face when it comes to our...

The Untold Life of Girls
This is a powerful story, and one that anyone who has daughters or who has ever felt the shame or guilt that comes with...

Let’s Start Talking
More and more often, we are hearing about rape culture in the military. As women become more commonplace in all branches of the armed...

I’m Not Okay Yet and That’s Okay
This anonymous Truthteller was raped in March of this year and eventually reported it after her attacker continued to contact her. Now, she has...

Depression: A Duet
This anonymous Truthteller shares depression as she danced with it individually, and as a couple—mother and child. It was a waltz that lasted for...