Authentic Wellness Retreat with Wf1 & Dr. Heidi Zappone
I am thrilled to present the first Authentic Wellness Retreat with Dr. Heidi Zappone, Founder of Dare’ alla Luce’. Join us on Saturday, September 27th at Willows Lodge in Woodinville, Washington, for an elightening and experiential retreat focusing on the most important person – YOU!
Our Authentic Wellness retreat is designed to be a life changing event that gives you the tools to become more present to yourself, to live your joy and to step into your passion for life. This retreat combines the wisdom of science and intuition along with the power of breath, sound and movement to make lasting changes to a peaceful life of joy and passion.
By the end of this rejuvenating retreat you will…
- Cultivate steps to nourish your mind, body and soul
- Discover and define your personal truth
- Embrace your well-being with knowledge, awareness and self-care
- Create a powerful new vision and intention for your life
You know me… but here is a bit more about what I do:
Kelly McNelis Senegor, Founder of Women For One
I am the Founder of Women For One, a global movement of authenticity and inspiration. I have interviewed many powerful and spiritual thinkers and regularly speak to them on Women For One and my radio show, The Global Sisterhood. I founded Women For One so that women throughout the world can have a place to create authentic dialogue and be inspired to take action in their lives. Currently mywebsite and movement has reached more than 7 million people in over sixty countries in only its third year of existence.
I believe we all have an inner voice guiding our intentions and manifestations, and I speak entirely from that place of truth (to the best of my ability :). Currently, I travel the world as a speaker, teacher, and a facilitator of workshops on the benefits of Truthtelling, authenticity and personal empowerment.
Over the past twenty years I have worked in the field of organizational development, group facilitation, and training. As a non-profit and small business management consultant for over 20 years, I acquired a strong base of knowledge and experience to support her new endeavors.
I live near Seattle with my husband and children and I’m currently writing my first book.
My fabulous partner…
Dr. Heidi Zappone, Founder of Dare’ alla Luce’
In my 19 years of clinical experience and having the privilege of working with thousands of people, I have come to understand that Wellness and Beauty go hand in hand. I have observed that the pursuit of Wellness is in fact, often the search for Beauty. In that exhaustive search for Beauty, we painfully attach to our body shape and size, skin clarity or fitness level as our measure. But upon looking deeper, we find that what we are really seeking is the EXPERIENCE of our unique, beautiful and powerful expression of that which is only us. And when we work toward that perfect external beauty, we frequently sacrifice our inner wellness. We do this by relying primarily on external sources, opinions and advice, our extreme practices and our continual judgement of ourselves for failing to reach a virtually unattainable standard. That is where both our health care system and our concepts of beauty have fallen short. The practice of knowing ourselves, becoming empowered and celebrating our authentic unique Beauty is the foundation to our lasting Wellness.
Details: Authentic Wellness Retreat
Date & Time: Saturday, September 27, 2014 8 AM – 4 PM
Place: Willows Lodge Woodinville, WA.
Cost: Registration fee – $350 (includes breakfast and lunch)
Have more questions? Check out our FAQ’s HERE.

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