All God’s Children
We are posting this book in honor of our newest Truthteller, Trish Millines Dziko. “All God’s Children” by Fox Butterfield is a true story about how racism impacted one family over five generations starting from slavery and how at various times women were left to pick up the pieces even though they were victims themselves. For more information and to purchase this book, click HERE.
We are also posting this incredibly wise and loving book in honor of Truthteller, Jill Dziko.
TheTao of Pooh By: Benjamin Hoff
Sometimes the answers we’ve been searching for are right under our nose. Remember that, when you’re looking for the most venerable of Tao philosophers. The greatest inspiration may come from someone you’ve known all your life… And that inspiration just might be Pooh Bear. While those around him fret, or calculate, Pooh just is. For more information and to purchase this book, click HERE.

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