Technology Access Foundation – A Leader in STEM Education
There are many honorable causes locally and throughout the world that I personally believe in and support. But the Technology Access Foundation is one of my favorites! This organization educates our youth using cutting edge techniques that our entire educational system is benefiting from. My husband and I have both been on the board of The Technology Access Foundation and we are proud to be long term donors to this impactful organization. I am also truly grateful to Trish for introducing me to my partner for life (yes – we met on the Board of Directors at TAF!). Check out their website at www.techaccess.org.
From Technology Access Foundation’s website: In a world facing significant social, economic, and environmental challenges, advocates for America’s most vulnerable communities are seeking to create solutions to help equalize an increasingly unleveled playing field between the privileged and the impoverished. Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education has emerged as a viable pathway for disadvantaged students and communities to gain economic, social, and even environmental ground in the 21st century.
TAF addresses the challenges that keep students of color away from STEM: low expectations, a shortage of role models in STEM, and lack of access to a quality, STEM-focused education. TAF partners with public education, businesses and the community to engage students in the real world of STEM
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