A New Me
My name is Emily Williamson, I am 24 and live in Mill Creek, WA. My story is about my decision to make ME come first. This year, on New Year’s Eve, I decided to do what most people do; I made a New Year’s resolution. Most of the time, these “goals” are made and are given up by the end of January. But not this year!
Before falling in love with my fiancé in 2012, I was in a very unhealthy relationship. I completely lost myself. I had moved
back in with my parents at home, I was unhappy with myself, my weight, and where I was in my life. I made some huge steps – I got my own place, I found myself again, and then I found Steve. I finally felt like I had things in control, and things in place, but I still found that I was unhappy with ME. I wanted to get in shape. Not just physically, but emotionally, and spiritually. I wanted to make myself the woman I wanted MYSELF to be, and the woman that I wanted to be for Steve as a wife, and the role model I want to be for Steve’s two girls.
In January I joined Starting Point – a group at my church that I met with weekly to talk about beginning a life with God. I reconnected with God. I learned a lot about myself, and learned a lot about the overall picture of the Bible. In April, when I finished Starting Point, I was baptized. I had been baptized when I was a baby, but this time was different. I made a decision to dedicate my life walking with God, knowingly, and willingly. It was a beautiful, meaningful and powerful experience.
Next, was one of my biggest battles: my weight. Let me first say that I have never been heavily overweight. I also have the most amazing man in the world, who has never made me feel anything less than the most beautiful woman in the world. I made this choice because I didn’t like what I saw when I looked in the mirror. This was not about anyone but me. It wasn’t just my appearance either, it was how I felt. I was self-conscious about doing things because I was uncomfortable. I was tired. I would just want to sleep for hours because I had such low energy, and always felt sluggish.
I have never given into “fad diets”. I have never tried weight watchers, atkins, or anything like that. I have always been a believer in DIET and EXERCISE. But finally I decided to try Advocare. It changed me. I started with the 24 day challenge where I lost 20 pounds which I completed in May, and I haven’t gained a single pound back. I had more energy than I have ever had, I felt like a brand new person. I feel so much happier, and have felt a whole new outlook on life.
No matter what your goals are, you have to always believe you can accomplish them. I have seen myself do a complete 360 this past year. I am happier than I could have ever dreamed.
My blog for more of my story: www.thecolorstomyworld.blogspot.com
Blessings and happiness to all!
Emily Williamson
With Great Respect and Love,
Emily Cheney
Administrative Director, Women For One

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