What’s In It for Me?
What’s in it for me? Everything, is the answer.
Why should we pay attention to our women? Why should we honor their rhythms and cycles? Because they are our seerers. They are our souls.
They are the bringers of life. Not only this gorgeous thing called our body but the life of the ideas.
They are the holders of the Seed. When women don’t get nourished they become terrible. They become fiercer than Genghis Khan, they become Kali looking for blood, your blood.
If they aren’t given the time to create in grace they become hard like coal and will burn you with their fire. If their song isn’t heard, they become hoarse and listless. Their whispers paralyze your very being.
When women are looked at kindly, spoken to with reverence, acted toward with respect, touched with dignity we will experience the greatest delights.
We will have honor because we have honored that from which we have come.
We will experience peace because our intuition will be alive.
We will experience hope because her prayer will be heard once again.
We will experience compassion because her depth has been awakened.
We will experience courage because her fear will bow to her trust.
We can dig ourselves out of this grave of fear through honor.
We can dig ourselves out of this grave through reverence.
We can dig ourselves out of this grave through respect.
She is a woman. She is your woman. You’re mother, your daughter, your lover, your sister, and your friend. See her in the face of every woman. Encourage her to know what she really knows.
To turn off the radios, the TV, the computer and make friends with her silence.
To hear her deepest voice and delight in it’s magnitude. To share her wisdom without fear.
When you hear these voices
When you see the glint of eternity in her eyes
Then you will know hope.
Until then we are emaciated souls awaiting emancipation.

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