Find Your Passion!
Hello, ladies! My name is Shannon Evans and I am a serial entrepreneur. Over the years, I have started at least ten businesses. Yikes! Just a few of them were: a house-cleaning business (which I still run today), a house-cleaning referral service, a greeting-card business, an all-natural soap and skincare products business, and an online small-business directory.
I always knew that one of these days, one of my crazy business ideas would be the one big idea that would become my passion. Every time I started something new, I would be so excited that maybe this would be the one. I had to wait till I was 43 years old to finally find that one special business. I encourage you to never give up on finding your passion. It will change your life and the lives of so many others!
I started my house-cleaning business when I was 18 years old and continue to run that business today. I’ve loved owning my own business. I love being able to make my own schedule, make my own wage, and work for whomever I wish. I also love that it has been so flexible in regards to raising my two kids. I have been blessed to be able to take them to school and pick them up.
It was in 2017 that I finally got my one big idea that would change my life. In November 2017 I started feeling like I wanted to surround myself with other lady business owners so I could share my crazy ideas with them and brainstorm other ideas for our businesses. I posted my idea on a few social media pages and got over a hundred people who were interested in my idea. NW Ladies in Business was born!
We are all about supporting and encouraging women business owners in the Northwest. We are just over two years old now, and running this amazing group of ladies has become my absolute passion in life! I have loved building a community of ladies who come together to learn, support, and love on each other. It is so amazing to find something that you love doing that can impact so many other people in a positive way.
A little bit about our group: We host two meetings a month at one of the local Seattle libraries. We showcase five lady business owners at the meeting, do some fun giveaways, have a speaker from the group share on a topic relating to small business ownership, and then we finish up with some table discussion to get to know each other better.
We would love for you to join us at one of our upcoming meetings. Our next meeting is February 29, 2020, at the Greenwood Library. The topic will be: The Wheel of Life—Learn how to use this simple but powerful coaching tool to become more successful and deeply fulfilled in your career, personal life, and your relationships. To RSVP or to learn more about the meeting, find the official invite here. We look forward to seeing you!
Thank you for letting me share a little bit about my business and how you can never give up on creating that one amazing business that will change your life and the lives of so many people around you! Keep at it, ladies! Your passion is right around the corner!
If you want more info on our group, visit us on our site, NW Ladies in Business.
Shannon Evans
[email protected]

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