White Hot Truth
Has your self-help become self-criticism? White Hot Truth is a wise and often (hilariously) relatable exploration of the conflicts between spiritual aspiration and our compulsion to improve, from Oprah Super Soul 100 member, Danielle LaPorte. Danielle cheerleads seekers to fully own their wisdom by having a good laugh (and maybe a good cry) at all the ways we’ve been trying to improve on our self-improvement.
With all love and no apologies, she takes a deep philosophical dive into:
– The myths we fall for on our way to truth: The Lies of Inadequacy, Authority, and Affiliation.
– The “Discipleshit” that happens when we give our power away.
– Signs that you Love yourself and how to not “slip out of your fullness and into your halfness.”
– Why “tolerance” as a so-called spiritual course of action can lead to insane loyalty and foolish compassion.
– How to spot Spiritual Glamour, and the big difference between discernment and judgement.
– Boundaries for Spiritual People. Faux freedoms: “If I’m ‘evolved’, do I have to want an open relationship?” “If I’m a feminist, do I have to like porn?” Um, no.
– Conscious Optimism: We’re all asking, “What can I do to help a hurting world?”
– Being a super human instead of trying to be a superhuman. How to love the mundane on your way to the holy.
– And thoughts on the complexity of forgiveness, sneaky self-loathing, and a “Soul perspective” on suffering.
Danielle brings it home with the hottest truth of all: You are your own guru.
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This is a provocative call to applying discernment to our inner and outer worlds. To see when we’re bypassing our own feelings, and when we’re falling for other people’s well-branded dogma. The searing refrain is both simple and surprisingly radical: “Our fulfillment stems from our motives. It’s not how we seek spiritual growth; it’s why we seek it.”
Get the White Hot Truth audio book for free when you order a print copy HERE.

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