The World is Yours
You want to be happy. We all want to be happy. But what does it mean to be a happy woman? I believe that being a happy woman means that you are comfortable with who you are and where you are today, and you are comfortable with today helping you with tomorrow.
To be happy, you want to explore, learn from your experiences, and you want to be confident. To be confident, you need to accept who you are, and believe that each day you have actually learned how to be even better tomorrow. To be confident, you give yourself a challenge and a chance to grow as a person. You need to be happy internally before anything external can add to it. And once you are happy and confident, you become more independent and respected.
Before I have reached this happy, brave, and free point in my life, it took a journey of self-motivation, dedication, discipline, and care. Yes, care! Care of my body and soul.
I do not let the past events make me look back or feel regret. All that has touched me and all that has happened in my life has helped with building the person that I am, and each day has taught me how to be a better person.
As a teenager, I experienced emigration and learned to not take a home or food for granted. I thought this was the worst thing that could happen in my life. I soon discovered that I could not even take life for granted: I was faced with my little brother’s fight for survival, followed by a fight for my own health a couple of years later.
When moments like these happen, you realize that all tangible things in life are not of any value. You realize that, overnight, you can lose everything, and that we are not untouchable; we are only human.
Through difficult moments, I always hoped that I could be truly happy one day. I worked my ass off every single day for 11 years to make it happen. I never gave up, never let the external events discourage me. I proved to myself and to the world around me that I deserve to be happy – just like each one of you does!
And now it is my time to start sharing my story, through articles and also through my personal blog – as all my experiences can help other women in making a change in their life. We should all take the time to pass on the wisdom and empower each other!

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